Why do anesthesiologists ask us to count back from 10 before going under?


I understand they want to know when we pass out, but why count backwards from 10? Why not count forward from 1?

In: 2183

16 Answers

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Does anyone still do this? In the past the drug used to induce general anesthesia, go to sleep for surgery, was sodium thiopental or STP. STP took a relatively long time to make people go to sleep. So anesthesia providers used the ‘count backwards’ thing to distract patients.

Now days, the drug of choice is propofol. Propofol works in one arm-brain circulation. Basically you are asleep as fast as it takes to push the drug into your veins. Distractions aren’t needed as much.

As an anesthesia provider, I tell my patients “pick out a nice dream; vacation on the beach or skiing in the snow…” and there asleep. YMMV.

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