Why do anesthesiologists ask us to count back from 10 before going under?


I understand they want to know when we pass out, but why count backwards from 10? Why not count forward from 1?

In: 2183

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I just went under anesthesia for the first time ever a week ago. I was terrified haha the anesthesiologist didn’t say anything to me besides asking me a couple medical related questions.

The nurse, who was the only one really paying any attention to my mental state haha said “it’s okay, just take a deep breath and go to sleep.” And I literally took a deep breath and fell asleep… lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

I remember thinking “okay but this isn’t going to work”

10,9,8… I don’t think I made it to 7

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the patient perspective, it really hammers home how good these meds are. It took me about one second to count from ten to nine, and about twelve hours to count from nine to eight.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gives you something to do, Keeps you from freaking out, also they’ll know if/when it’s taking effect (slurring then silent).

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was a teen I had an emergency appendectomy. I asked the anesthesiologist if I should count down and he said sure if I wanted. I started at 10 and made it to 0, thinking I was real smooth I could negative one, negative two, and then I woke up the next day with a missing appendix, 16 staples and week in the hospital ahead of me

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve only been under 1 time and I asked “should I count back from 100?” They looked at me and said “nah you’ll be out in a few seconds anyway”….”uhh wai…zzzzzz”

“Sir sir wake up its time to go”