Why do animals who live underground appear always clean and not full of dirt? (e.g. worms, mice, rabbit)


Why do animals who live underground appear always clean and not full of dirt? (e.g. worms, mice, rabbit)

In: 7599

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Since I am kind of like a five year old.

A bear walks up to a rabbit and asks him, “Do you have a problem with poop sticking to your fur?”

The rabbit says, “No.”

The bear says, “Good.” Then proceeds to wipe his bear bum with the rabbit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simple explanation: because the insect spends most of its time in the dirt anyway, the presence of dirt on it is not seen as dirty in the same way that it would on a human, which doesn’t spend all its time in the dirt.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because if dirt clung to them, obviously it would be harder to crawl through dirt, so they evolved to be able to move through it with less friction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Never ending cleaning like a cat ot dog. This is why diatomaceous earth (de) works with killing bugs in your home and is also environmentally OK. The bugs clean themselves like a cat does. They invest the DE, but can’t poop it. It builds up. They also get dehydrated. They have a sense of feeling full yet thirsty but cannot fit anything more into thier bellies and eventually die. Modern pesticides use this action and add poison to speed it up. If you have a bug guy and see powder all over your attic or under you major appliances, that’s what that is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

IKR? The skunks in my yard are casket tight.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have often wondered how the white part of my dog stays so white his head and part of his shoulders look bright white in the sun. I feel like texture of that fur is the husky in him. But, he stays remarkably white even though he rolls and rummages through everything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rabbit fur is adapted to not have a bunch of sticking dirt particles similar to how seals have fur that has a hard time getting wet

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sidenote, I’ve watched my cat wash through cactus and the needles look like little blonde hairs on top of his fur and just slide right off. I was terrified, but he didn’t even get stuck with one