– why do antidepressants make it more difficult to reach orgasm for some?


– why do antidepressants make it more difficult to reach orgasm for some?

In: 42

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a great comment on signals from genitals to brain here, but I think I can clarify it just a TINY bit.

1. Seratonin in our Brain makes us feel at ease.
2. Many antidepressants stop our brain from “recycling” Seratonin.
(They “inhibit” Seratonin Re-uptake)
3. If they aren’t recycled, they stay in the brain, keeping us at ease.
4. While this makes us less anxious or depressed, it also makes us less excitable.(This is why many on anti-depressants, talk about how it lowers their joy as much as sadness)
5. If you don’t get as excitable, it takes longer for signals to build to reach an orgasm.

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