Why do appliance repairs (dishwasher, laundry, fridge, etc.) seemingly cost as much as the appliances themselves?


Why do appliance repairs (dishwasher, laundry, fridge, etc.) seemingly cost as much as the appliances themselves?

In: 5618

52 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tldr ; it’s expensive to run a business, and if you do the cost analysis exercise, you’ll quickly see that it costs money to simply exist as a business.

Because of labor cost. Driving a truck/van is not cheap on gas. Time to travel costs money.

Let’s say you’re an owner operator. A new Ford Transit F150 is 50,000 CAD, which works out to about $850/month for the financing. You also have to consider insurance, so another $300/month. Your contractor likely does a lot of driving, 2 tanks a week, (moderate), 8 tanks/month, so approximately $800 in gas a month. So, without even including actual practice insurance, warranties, parts, labour, taxes, maintenance, your owner operator is out $1950 CASH. So, a reasonable call of 30 minutes of driving/parking time, 1 hour diagnostic, that’s going to be about $30 for the COST of running that vehicle. Okay, but the owner needs to make some money too? So how much does he charge? Most trades in Ontario run about $40-50/hour. Let’s say he’s experienced, and he’s even saving you money by running solo. He doesn’t have a 2nd or an apprentice. So for him to just show up is $80. A typical new appliance is between $500-1000. Okay, for every hour he spends there, that’s another $50. The business likely needs a storage space for typical parts, so he’s leasing space in Toronto at $30/sqft (very reasonable). His annual cost is 30k for storage, which means his tiny (and I mean tiny) shop is running a other $16/hr in overhead. So we’re now $96 for the first 90 mins. The part, sometimes you can find them cheap, sometimes they cost a bit. Well, typically parts are sold at 200% cost. So a $50 part will cost the customer $100. You need to charge more because you have to have money to purchase additional parts, you can’t be using a part, getting paid at cost, then waiting for it to service the next customer. So, now we’re up to $146/for 90 mins for a common part swap, and this still doesn’t include the other things I mentioned. Tools, batteries, work clothes, PPE, website payment, business telecommunication, advertisement, and % of customer conversion. Sometimes you go out, give the quote, and the customer shops around. Even if your conversion is quite high, 70%, that puts the cost up to $208…. now think about future proofing the company. Are we thinking about adding a second work truck? Are we thinking about having a 2nd employee? Are we going to get small business benefits for our employees? Do we offer emergency repair (middle of night/holidays)? Do we need some savings in the business account for unexpected expense? Additionally, a corporation operating at exact cost isn’t likely to be considered successful by the bank, and that company revenue is important for future loans and financial flexibility.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tldr ; it’s expensive to run a business, and if you do the cost analysis exercise, you’ll quickly see that it costs money to simply exist as a business.

Because of labor cost. Driving a truck/van is not cheap on gas. Time to travel costs money.

Let’s say you’re an owner operator. A new Ford Transit F150 is 50,000 CAD, which works out to about $850/month for the financing. You also have to consider insurance, so another $300/month. Your contractor likely does a lot of driving, 2 tanks a week, (moderate), 8 tanks/month, so approximately $800 in gas a month. So, without even including actual practice insurance, warranties, parts, labour, taxes, maintenance, your owner operator is out $1950 CASH. So, a reasonable call of 30 minutes of driving/parking time, 1 hour diagnostic, that’s going to be about $30 for the COST of running that vehicle. Okay, but the owner needs to make some money too? So how much does he charge? Most trades in Ontario run about $40-50/hour. Let’s say he’s experienced, and he’s even saving you money by running solo. He doesn’t have a 2nd or an apprentice. So for him to just show up is $80. A typical new appliance is between $500-1000. Okay, for every hour he spends there, that’s another $50. The business likely needs a storage space for typical parts, so he’s leasing space in Toronto at $30/sqft (very reasonable). His annual cost is 30k for storage, which means his tiny (and I mean tiny) shop is running a other $16/hr in overhead. So we’re now $96 for the first 90 mins. The part, sometimes you can find them cheap, sometimes they cost a bit. Well, typically parts are sold at 200% cost. So a $50 part will cost the customer $100. You need to charge more because you have to have money to purchase additional parts, you can’t be using a part, getting paid at cost, then waiting for it to service the next customer. So, now we’re up to $146/for 90 mins for a common part swap, and this still doesn’t include the other things I mentioned. Tools, batteries, work clothes, PPE, website payment, business telecommunication, advertisement, and % of customer conversion. Sometimes you go out, give the quote, and the customer shops around. Even if your conversion is quite high, 70%, that puts the cost up to $208…. now think about future proofing the company. Are we thinking about adding a second work truck? Are we thinking about having a 2nd employee? Are we going to get small business benefits for our employees? Do we offer emergency repair (middle of night/holidays)? Do we need some savings in the business account for unexpected expense? Additionally, a corporation operating at exact cost isn’t likely to be considered successful by the bank, and that company revenue is important for future loans and financial flexibility.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anyone saying expertise in the repair is not true. Yes it does take expertise and that adds on to the cost but it’s really because the cost of the needed part is controlled by the company and they want you to buy new.

It’s so over priced purposely to make repairs not worth it. They also make it so everything is so connected that a small break can require a whole big replacement of a part. It’s all planned out.

A small circuit board for the appliance can cost 800 dollars which is outrages. That is the true reason why it isn’t worth repairing. It should cost like at most 150 with already a hefty profit margin.

So let’s say that plus the technician cost of 200 so out the door 350 which is reasonable. But nope.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anyone saying expertise in the repair is not true. Yes it does take expertise and that adds on to the cost but it’s really because the cost of the needed part is controlled by the company and they want you to buy new.

It’s so over priced purposely to make repairs not worth it. They also make it so everything is so connected that a small break can require a whole big replacement of a part. It’s all planned out.

A small circuit board for the appliance can cost 800 dollars which is outrages. That is the true reason why it isn’t worth repairing. It should cost like at most 150 with already a hefty profit margin.

So let’s say that plus the technician cost of 200 so out the door 350 which is reasonable. But nope.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The factory is getting parts very cheap because they buy so many parts. They design the product to be assembled efficiently and cheaply. They efficiently move finished goods by the truckload to distribution warehouses. It’s hard for humans to compete with that level of efficiency.

The repairman needs to usually make 2 visits for your one appliance. First to diagnose, then buy a part, then come back, disassemble the machine (which may not be easy) – a slow, manual, inefficient process. Sometimes it’s not easy, and they need to have expertise, which you need to pay for as well.

They also pay more for the part because the economics are worse, they can’t buy in bulk and there’s so many different parts for different appliances, you need another distributor to even keep track of all of that.

That distributor needs to get a profit as well.

So there are far more slow and difficult and expensive steps involved to repair rather than replace.

Same reason many cars are totaled these days even with seemingly minor damage, it’s just cheaper and easier to replace many cars rather than do slow and manual steps to fix.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The factory is getting parts very cheap because they buy so many parts. They design the product to be assembled efficiently and cheaply. They efficiently move finished goods by the truckload to distribution warehouses. It’s hard for humans to compete with that level of efficiency.

The repairman needs to usually make 2 visits for your one appliance. First to diagnose, then buy a part, then come back, disassemble the machine (which may not be easy) – a slow, manual, inefficient process. Sometimes it’s not easy, and they need to have expertise, which you need to pay for as well.

They also pay more for the part because the economics are worse, they can’t buy in bulk and there’s so many different parts for different appliances, you need another distributor to even keep track of all of that.

That distributor needs to get a profit as well.

So there are far more slow and difficult and expensive steps involved to repair rather than replace.

Same reason many cars are totaled these days even with seemingly minor damage, it’s just cheaper and easier to replace many cars rather than do slow and manual steps to fix.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To reinforce the point others have made: it’s not repair that’s expensive, it’s manufacturing that has been made unbelievably cheap.

Not appliances , but clothing for exemple was hugely expensive. People had one good suit and that was that.

For context, a dress in London in 1900 was ~20£ and the *yearly* salary of a young professional was 700£

Anonymous 0 Comments

To reinforce the point others have made: it’s not repair that’s expensive, it’s manufacturing that has been made unbelievably cheap.

Not appliances , but clothing for exemple was hugely expensive. People had one good suit and that was that.

For context, a dress in London in 1900 was ~20£ and the *yearly* salary of a young professional was 700£

Anonymous 0 Comments

The parts are usually pretty cheap. If you do it yourself it’s not all that bad. What you are paying for is a technician’s time, and there’s more of it than you think.

For example, right now my fridge is making a weird noise. I’m 90% certain the worst it needs is a condenser fan replacement. That requires about $70 and a screwdriver.

However, the fridge also weighs an awful lot and I do not have a great back or a dolly. So if I try to wrestle it away from my wall I can see myself tipping the stupid thing over and hurting myself. The kind of dolly I need costs about $200, and I’m still worried I’d manage to misuse it and I’m also not 100% sure the condenser fan is the only problem.

It’s going to cost me a minimum of $75 to get a technician to come to my house. Part of that is because he has to drive here from his last job, which could take 20-30 minutes of time alone. He already has the $200 dolly and presumably the $70 fan, so I don’t have to wait on shipping or pay for tools I don’t need. He’s going to probably spend 10-20 minutes moving the fridge, 10-20 minutes disassembling parts, 20-30 minutes investigating the problem and replacing a part, then another 20-30 minutes putting everything back right again and making sure the problem seems solved. The quote for everything is about $175 with some error bars around it.

So even if we decide there is nothing to replace he’s going to have to spend at least an hour and a half working with me if I count the driving. $75 for that is about $50/hour, which sounds steep. But it’s his back at risk, and his equipment he brings that I need.

I’d have to pay $200 to get the dolly or probably $30 to rent it in addition to driving to and from a rental place. I’d have to pay $70 for the fan myself. So to DIY it, I’d have to spend anything from $100 to $300.

So honestly, paying 20% of the cost of the fridge to get him to fix it makes sense because I’d have to pay more than that to fix it myself.

(My worst-case would be if the compressor is failing, those are more like $400 and much more labor to replace. If that happens we may consider getting a new fridge anyway. But that’s not likely, and part of why those parts cost so much is they’re made to be not very prone to failure even if they’re a little abused.)

**edit** I think it’s worth saying the fancier the appliance the less likely this gets. I should’ve included that.

Less fancy appliances tend to be “electromechanical”. That means they use fairly simple components like switches and relays and motors that can be tested to figure out what’s busted and sourced for fairly cheap. Part of why they’re cheap is often a lot of models use the same or similar parts so they just get produced in large quantities.

More fancy appliances tend to have small computers inside of them, and often those small computers consist of one single logic board with no replaceable components. Even if they were replaceable, it’d take a lot of special equipment to figure out which parts were broken. So these pieces tend to be expensive and can only be “repaired” by replacing them. These logic boards tend to be custom-produced per unit, almost like the manufacturers intend to make money selling replacements.

If you hear people talking about “right to repair” laws, it concerns that practice. Those people want laws that require manufacturers to use more replaceable parts and build devices in such a way that people are more likely to be able to make DIY repairs for affordable costs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The parts are usually pretty cheap. If you do it yourself it’s not all that bad. What you are paying for is a technician’s time, and there’s more of it than you think.

For example, right now my fridge is making a weird noise. I’m 90% certain the worst it needs is a condenser fan replacement. That requires about $70 and a screwdriver.

However, the fridge also weighs an awful lot and I do not have a great back or a dolly. So if I try to wrestle it away from my wall I can see myself tipping the stupid thing over and hurting myself. The kind of dolly I need costs about $200, and I’m still worried I’d manage to misuse it and I’m also not 100% sure the condenser fan is the only problem.

It’s going to cost me a minimum of $75 to get a technician to come to my house. Part of that is because he has to drive here from his last job, which could take 20-30 minutes of time alone. He already has the $200 dolly and presumably the $70 fan, so I don’t have to wait on shipping or pay for tools I don’t need. He’s going to probably spend 10-20 minutes moving the fridge, 10-20 minutes disassembling parts, 20-30 minutes investigating the problem and replacing a part, then another 20-30 minutes putting everything back right again and making sure the problem seems solved. The quote for everything is about $175 with some error bars around it.

So even if we decide there is nothing to replace he’s going to have to spend at least an hour and a half working with me if I count the driving. $75 for that is about $50/hour, which sounds steep. But it’s his back at risk, and his equipment he brings that I need.

I’d have to pay $200 to get the dolly or probably $30 to rent it in addition to driving to and from a rental place. I’d have to pay $70 for the fan myself. So to DIY it, I’d have to spend anything from $100 to $300.

So honestly, paying 20% of the cost of the fridge to get him to fix it makes sense because I’d have to pay more than that to fix it myself.

(My worst-case would be if the compressor is failing, those are more like $400 and much more labor to replace. If that happens we may consider getting a new fridge anyway. But that’s not likely, and part of why those parts cost so much is they’re made to be not very prone to failure even if they’re a little abused.)

**edit** I think it’s worth saying the fancier the appliance the less likely this gets. I should’ve included that.

Less fancy appliances tend to be “electromechanical”. That means they use fairly simple components like switches and relays and motors that can be tested to figure out what’s busted and sourced for fairly cheap. Part of why they’re cheap is often a lot of models use the same or similar parts so they just get produced in large quantities.

More fancy appliances tend to have small computers inside of them, and often those small computers consist of one single logic board with no replaceable components. Even if they were replaceable, it’d take a lot of special equipment to figure out which parts were broken. So these pieces tend to be expensive and can only be “repaired” by replacing them. These logic boards tend to be custom-produced per unit, almost like the manufacturers intend to make money selling replacements.

If you hear people talking about “right to repair” laws, it concerns that practice. Those people want laws that require manufacturers to use more replaceable parts and build devices in such a way that people are more likely to be able to make DIY repairs for affordable costs.