My wife was having a shoulder problem. The Orthopedist (muscle skeleton doctor) she went to go see diagnosed the issue and said she needed surgery and the recovery time would be an entire year including physical therapy.
My wife googles and finds out there’s a less invasive procedure with a recovery of 2-4 weeks. She mentions it to her doctor. He says “I’ve heard of that, but don’t perform it and don’t know anyone that does”
I hop on the internet, find the best orthopedist in our large city, and call and ask if he performs this procedure. “Yes, if he thinks it’s the right course of action.” Is what the nurse says.
Point is, my wife “next-leveled” her doctor and reduced recovery time from A YEAR to 4 weeks just by shopping doctors in our same city. Imagine doing that when you’re rich and can travel the world.
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