Why do babies puke so much?


Mfs be drunk 24/7, why?

In: 1048

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the “valve” between their esophagus and stomach that closes after a meal isn’t fully developed yet, so if they lie down or move around after a meal, their stomach contents can move back into their esophagus and they puke

Anonymous 0 Comments

The real question is why do babies? Even the thought of me being a baby once makes me naseous.

Anonymous 0 Comments

🤣 The answer to this and many similar questions is all humans are born “prematurely.” They really need an 80 week pregnancy, or maybe a human kangaroo pouch type thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

lots of reasons:

1. When newborns are born, their bodies are filled with amniotic fluid. Their stomachs are also very tiny. Spitting up repeatedly within the first few days after birth is completely normal as it helps clear out the birth gunk.

2. Newborns and infants have very sensitive and weak digestive systems. It takes months for them to develop enough to digest solid food, longer to build the muscles needed to keep it down, and even longer to learn how to eat.

3. Newborns and infants have a very sensitive gag reflex. This helps them stay alive by rejecting things that get caught in the mouth such as inedible items and solid food that they can’t swallow. Over time, the gag reflex will become less sensitive and move towards the back of the mouth.

4. Newborns and infants can’t burp because the abdominal muscles and esophagus needed to expel gas and only gas aren’t strong enough. If they’re particularly hungry, they’ll swallow a bunch of air along with their milk. This isn’t harmful, but it’s uncomfortable and parents will quickly learn how to help their infant burp. Done improperly — heck, even properly — can result in a bunch of milk coming up along with the air.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they’re burping and they’re little so their bodies can’t control the reflex of everything comes out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m sure when it comes down to it every kid is different but my kids rarely ever “puked” but I always figured that was because I always made sure to burp my kids for quite a while after feeding.

Anonymous 0 Comments

babies burp from taking in air with their food. if they are puking that is abnormal and should see a doctor

Anonymous 0 Comments

Side note, but if a baby spits up a LOT (large amounts or frequently), they may be overfed – this mainly occurs with babies drinking from bottles. And if they are pissed about spitting up, that isn’t normal. They may have reflux, which is often related to a food allergy. Source: couple of friends had babies like this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they need to be burped pretty much immediately. All that air just helps push everything up so something’s gotta give… the food or the gas.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Their digestive systems are sub-par when they are born. I learned that is one reason why babies are not fed tap water.