Why do back injuries take longer to heal compared to other muscular injuries?


So a couple of weeks ago I pulled a muscle in my back doing Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu and took two weeks off and then I went for a run and immediately seized up.

I went to the Dr and they said that I’ll have to rest 4-6 weeks. Why is it so long compared to other muscles which get better in 2 weeks?

In: 52

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For a muscle strain, there is zero difference whatsoever. Back is no different from any other part of your body. Muscle strains don’t usually cause your back to ‘seize up’ however, so it’s more than likely another issue which they haven’t even looked into properly.

Doctors don’t know really know a lot of muscular-skeletal stuff as it’s not what they’re meant for. The fact they have suggested you rest for 4-6 weeks suggests to me that they aren’t even remotely up to date with best practice for recovery from basic MSK injuries, and especially anything to do with neural issues in your back. If it’s not an acute tear or break, extended periods of rest are probably the worst thing you can do.

Personal story: random gym injury causing excruciating back pain/muscle spasms. Couldn’t stand/sit or move without discomfort. Went to ER as I was crippled, got told by a doctor that I would probably need 2 months off any sort of exercise, but she would bring a physio in for more advice. Saw a fantastic physio in hospital who did some general mobilisation work, got me to walk laps of the ER ward swinging my arms like crazy, and told me in 3 days I would be totally fine as long as I kept moving/mobilising as much as I could without bad pain, put heat on it when it got sore, and kept hydrated/got a solid 10hrs of sleep each night. Did all of those, and by day 4 I had zero pain whatsoever.

Background: 10 years in the fitness industry, and actively recommending people see physiotherapists/ex phys’s for MSK stuff after hearing multiple horror stories like mine who didn’t see somebody better.

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