Why do back injuries take longer to heal compared to other muscular injuries?


So a couple of weeks ago I pulled a muscle in my back doing Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu and took two weeks off and then I went for a run and immediately seized up.

I went to the Dr and they said that I’ll have to rest 4-6 weeks. Why is it so long compared to other muscles which get better in 2 weeks?

In: 52

8 Answers

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As a Strength and Conditioning Coach the best way I can explain it is that your back/core is used for just about everything you do, from standing to sitting, laying down to getting up, tying your shoes to taking off your pants/shirt. If you strain your bicep, it’s pretty easy not to use that one arm for a while until it heals because you’ve got another one to pick up the slack, same with a quad. Also most back strains aren’t a strength issue they tend to be more of a endurance/conditioning problem, as in you’ll see people who can deadlift 500-600 lbs staring it bending over to tie their shoe or sneezing.

My 2 cents is to look up Dr Stuart McGill and his big three exercises. They’ll teach you to condition your core so this becomes less/not of a problem in the future. I’ve been doing it for 4-5 years now and haven’t had a back problem since.

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