Why do balloons make a ‘bang’ sound when they’re popped?


When I watch a balloon pop in slow motion, the material appears to tear and contract instead of exploding. It seems like if it were to make any sound then that sound should be a tearing sound.

In: 311

12 Answers

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ELI15: Technically sound is an “illusion” that only exist in your head. Your brains understanding of the signals generated by your ear.

ELI5: In that ear, the movement of air moves your eardrum that vibration is trasferred by tiny bones to your inner ear where the movement is converted to electric signals, that travels in your brain.

A pressurized balloon is like a battery of energy it stores the work you put in to make it blow up. That energy can do work, like if you let it out slowly it flies making funny sound (little energy little movement of the air) or you can pop it to create an instant release as an explosion. All energy at once creates a bigger movement in the air that translate to a louder sound registered by your ear.

Fun fact for energy and storage. A candy bar has more energy in it than a stick of dynamite. The difference is that the energy of a candy bar is released slowly while the dinamites release is instant.

Strange thing energy is… especially the change of energy

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