Why do bird hunters need camouflage? Why do birds care about what’s moving on the ground while they fly above it?


Why do bird hunters need camouflage? Why do birds care about what’s moving on the ground while they fly above it?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I mean ducks, geese, and other fowl are not stupid; they learn that humans on the ground are able to kill them somehow, and start to take measures to avoid flying directly over humans on the ground.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are many different kinds of game birds and many different ways of hunting them. It’s a lot more complicated than “shoot at bird as it flies over you.” Many types of game birds and hunting methods involve tracking and/or shooting the birds while they’re on the ground or in trees. Obviously, they need to not be able to see you while that’s happening.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Camouflage is used in specific bird hunting, basically migratory waterfowl like ducks & geese. These birds fly long distances and also too high to be able to take them with a shotgun unless you conceal yourself and lure them down near you, usually with decoy birds.

They also don’t have to come down to where you are and will not come within shooting range if anything looks like a threat to them. That’s the hardest part of waterfowl hunting, popping out of concealment, spotting aiming and taking a bird before it realizes somethings not right here and flies off.

Birds have crazy good eyesight and will look over the area for any threats before flying down, where they’re in range.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it helps to look at the eye placement on animals. Ducks have eyes on both sides, because they’re prey. They fly high above sometimes, but need to rest at some point. Ever hear the phrase “sitting ducks”? They rest and need to be hyper-aware of their surroundings. That’s where the camo has benefit, since you’re more or less on their level.
Then look at predators – eagles, hawks, cougars. Their eyes point forward (like humans), because they’re more concerned with hunting than protection.
(Also, if you’d like to see some huskies murder some ducks on live television, the Oregon-UW game will be televised tomorrow.)