Why do body parts heal while sleeping but not when you keep at rest position during day/while not sleeping?


Why do body parts heal while sleeping but not when you keep at rest position during day/while not sleeping?

In: 5

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do, but not as quickly. When you’re awake you body uses more energy. The brain uses a lot more glucose as fuel while it’s conscious. You’re also moving more even when you’re resting and that take more energy and resources.
When you’re asleep your body can spend more time using those resources for healing instead of reading, watching TV, playing a ge, etcetera so it heals faster.


Why do body parts heal while sleeping but not when you keep at rest position during day/while not sleeping?

In: 5

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do, but not as quickly. When you’re awake you body uses more energy. The brain uses a lot more glucose as fuel while it’s conscious. You’re also moving more even when you’re resting and that take more energy and resources.
When you’re asleep your body can spend more time using those resources for healing instead of reading, watching TV, playing a ge, etcetera so it heals faster.