why do bodybuilders always have those weird curled up veins on their biceps?


why do bodybuilders always have those weird curled up veins on their biceps?

In: 4505

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those veins are always there, even on your arms. Normally you don’t see them because they are covered by fat. Just before competitions, body builders lose as much fat as they can to make their muscles stand out more. The lack of fat exposes them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

there are a lot of reasons.

-You can see the veins because their body fat is less than the average person.

-Even through there is nothing healthy about body building. People with performing cardio vascular systems usually have visible veins.

-The pictures are usually taken when they are holding a flex or a pose so more blood is getting sent to the arms.

-they are on all kinds of drugs. Steroids, dilators, stimulants. So at all times their body is turned up to 11.

-Leading up to competitions they stop drinking water and eating. So when they are getting their pictures taken their skin is paper thin. So the veins really stick out. They call this “Drying out”.

EDIT; Add one more

Good old fashioned genetics. Some people just have huge veins that are even MORE noticeable once they are extra stimulated by working out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

On top of what was already said with respect to extremely low body fat (and an unhealthy amount of dehydration), many take nitric oxide to further dilate their veins. I would say that if you or I got super lean and worked arms a lot, we would have bicep veins but likely not in that huge squiggly shape that professional body builders have.

Veins are kinda weird though. They have a general outline that they tend to follow in everyone, but you can get random branches/tributaries all over the place.

Source: am a nurse who likes doing IVs

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Are u talking about normal veins, or varicose veins?

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are referred to as [varicose veins.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varicose_veins) It’s primarily the result of high blood pressure from steroid use. [High levels of androgens are associated with hypertension.](https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/119417)

Other answers have said this is natural and you just can’t see the veins on most people because they aren’t lean enough, this is incorrect. Another answer suggests that bodybuilders take “nitrous oxide”; this is also incorrect – while there are sports supplements that claim to act as vasodilators and are nitrous themed, they don’t cause these veins.

EDIT: Slight correction, please see /u/TheMer0vingian’s [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/105ng5m/eli5_why_do_bodybuilders_always_have_those_weird/j3d7ssp/) below.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s pretty clear that the top comments are confused because you said “always”

What you are describing maybe 1% or less of bodybuilders have.

Those “weird curled up veins” are basically damaged veins from high blood pressure or other issues, similar to varicose or spider veins manual laborers get on calves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

All of these answers are missing the point, I believe hes asking about varicose veins not just veins from being lean/dehydrated/muscular

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe you’re talking about Varicose Veins. The weird spirally, abnormally twisted veins that bulge and looked f’ed up. The answer imho is heavy HEAVY steroid cycles over a long period of time. High blood pressure is very typical along with high red blood cell count. That’s why it’s important to donate blood regularly as an enhanced athlete.

Resource: Hopkinsmedicine.org

Varicose veins are caused by increased blood pressure in the veins. Varicose veins happen in the veins near the surface of the skin (superficial). The blood moves towards the heart by one-way valves in the veins. When the valves become weakened or damaged, blood can collect in the veins.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Reading through this post , as a vascular specialist, is very frustrating. The amount of misinformation is stunning. Even people claiming to be nurses and body builders are giving incorrect information.