why do bodybuilders always have those weird curled up veins on their biceps?


why do bodybuilders always have those weird curled up veins on their biceps?

In: 4505

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

there are a lot of reasons.

-You can see the veins because their body fat is less than the average person.

-Even through there is nothing healthy about body building. People with performing cardio vascular systems usually have visible veins.

-The pictures are usually taken when they are holding a flex or a pose so more blood is getting sent to the arms.

-they are on all kinds of drugs. Steroids, dilators, stimulants. So at all times their body is turned up to 11.

-Leading up to competitions they stop drinking water and eating. So when they are getting their pictures taken their skin is paper thin. So the veins really stick out. They call this “Drying out”.

EDIT; Add one more

Good old fashioned genetics. Some people just have huge veins that are even MORE noticeable once they are extra stimulated by working out.

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