Why do browsers sometimes drain a lot of RAM until rebooted?


Why do browsers sometimes drain a lot of RAM until rebooted?

In: 5662

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine two office workers. They both need multiple.documents at the same time to work. One of them is organised and only keeps the files it needs on the desk putting others neatly in the cabinet. Another one simply takes whatever they need and keep piling documents throughout the day.

When you reboot it’s like the end of day forces all office workers to put all the documents away. This way, even the sloppy worker starts clean every day.

The sloppy worker causes something called a memory leak, and why exactly it happens to browsers more commonly is more technical. Probably on of the reasons is because we tend to use them throughout the day more often then other programs. Another factor is that browsers don’t close in the proper sense, instead keeping themselves semi-active in order to give the impression they work faster.

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