A cat’s fur makes them desensitized to fine texture over most of their body, except the bottom of their paws, and claws. They,re light and strong, so hard surfaces aren’t uncomfortable to them either. They do, however, love resting on a surface with interesting tactile feedback, which they can sink their claws and excervcise on. There,s also likely something about the smell of paper and cardboard which attracts them
In addition, cats are made of slinkies, springs and water inside a furry bag. Ok, no but they are very flexible, their shoulders aren’t even connected to the rest of the skeleton by bone, only muscle. So positions that might be hard on us stiff-necked humans won’t bother them at all so they’ll just sprawl wherever.
My three cats LOVE the cardboard scratchers! They sleep on their X-shaped scratchers, as well as the round scratcher disc and the flat ones we have around the house.
I have a huge cat tree in the corner and only one has ever slept in it. They each have a catt bed that they never touch so I got rid of those. They do sleep on the couches and take afternoon naps on the bed but mostly they love to sleep and nap on the cardboard scratchers. I keep a little collection by the back patio door that lets in the afternoon sunlight and that’s one of their favorite spots.
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