Why do certain substances have withdrawal symptoms?


Why does my lack of caffeine after having it all the time cause headaches? Like it doesn’t make sense to me.

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6 Answers

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It isn’t always well understood, why some substances have significant withdrawal symptoms and others do not. The simplest explanation is your body is adjusting to a new homeostasis. Your body got used to the caffeine, when you stop that the body needs to find new equilibrium and those symptoms are just that. This can go to an extreme, like with alcohol, where the impacts of cessation can be life threatening. It can be minor, like THC (cannabis), where you adjust rather quickly, like 48 hours or less. The withdrawal symptoms for benzos are well documented and you really have to step it down.

It can be that your body has stopped creating the chemicals you are ingesting, like with anabolic steroids. That isn’t always the case, though, in fact as many times as it is that it is something completely different. Not every drug we take that has a withdrawal period impacts your bodies production of its natural counterpart, if one exists at all.

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