Why do cigarette butts smell stronger than actual burning cigarettes?


Why do cigarette butts smell stronger than actual burning cigarettes?

In: Other

10 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

The entire time you’re smoking a cigarette, you’re bringing the smoke from the burning tip through the cigarette to the filter. By the time a cigarette becomes a butt, a lot of smoke and tar is concentrated at that end and in the filter. That, combined with the remaining tobacco going stale, makes them smell worse

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t, but you are used to burning cigarettes smelling excessively.

Butts however, probably don’t release as much aromatic hydrocarbons as burning cigarettes too. That’s the part that smells nice and appealing of cigarettes.

When i stopped smoking last week, still had a can of butts in my window, where i used to smoke, and that can smelled absolutely gruesome after my second day smoke free while I couldn’t smell it at all when I was smoking.

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Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the chemical build up being drawn through the filter with each drag. It was a pain for me to hide them as a teenager just because it was exponentially stronger than the cigarette itself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

cause the filter, i’m a smoker, and the filter is disgusting, i mean, it retains some of the actual bad stuff, but at the same time it gets gradually filled with it and it goes from white to brown in 10 puffs, sometimes when i’m smoking and i see the brown filter i just throw away the cigarette ’cause you realize it fucks stuff up lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

The posts on quitting smoking… hey buds, I quit a two-pack-a-day habit almost 40 years ago, am seldom around smokers but there are times I’ll be sitting around happy and suddenly get twitchy. “What do I want?” “Cigarette. You don’t just quit and Done. You have to keep quitting. The addiction isn’t like anything else available to the body and brain. But here, like elsewhere in Life, “No” is a complete sentence.

‘S worth it though. I laugh w/o coughing and don’t have to negotiate with people, where I sit and where I’ll go, “so I can smoke.”

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