Why do colors from RAW images look different than “raw” colors in real life?


Colors from RAW images look different than “raw” colors in real life and somehow… “ugly”. Of course these files needs post-processing so the colors of those will be better and life-like, but I think there is something about the camera, the sensor… so that RAW files look like that.

I’m looking forward to reading interesting explanations from you guys!

In: 18

33 Answers

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RAW files are simply a data dump of everything a sensor captured. To view that data, you must use software that processes that file. The software is deciding how to process the data, and the default processing of one application will differ from another. It is fairly common for these applications to process raw files fairly neutral, with a very flat “curve”. Oftentimes you can change what settings are applied when the software renders an image. The result of all this is that, without tinkering with what settings gets applied, by default the file can look a bit blah until you manually process it to your tastes.

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