You do work at your desk, lots of paperwork. Your desk is only so big, so you can only have so many papers on your desk at one time. If you need more space, then you have to take a paper from your desk, put it in the filing cabinet, and get another paper you need. Things get really slow if you have to do this too often.
Say your workload is some basic accounting. You need a good number of documents to do this, but you can all fit them on your desk. You’re good. You pull all the needed documents from the filing cabinet, you work on them, you put them back, and you get the next set.
But then you get an account for a millionaire with very complex finances. You can’t fit it all on your desk anymore. You have to keep going back and forth to the file cabinet in order to figure it all out. You can do your work, but you could do it more quickly if you had a bigger desk.
Then an electrical engineer takes over your desk. It’s not even big enough to hold just one of his drawings. He simply can’t do his job. Maybe he could cut up the drawings and be constantly on the run ferrying pieces of the drawing between the desk and the filing cabinet, but that’s not a good way to work. He needs much more desk space.
Desk is RAM, filing cabinet is disk.
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