Why do condoms have so many different types (invisible, extra safe, feel thin, etc). How do you know which one to pick?


Why do condoms have so many different types (invisible, extra safe, feel thin, etc). How do you know which one to pick?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Advertising. Other than size, or some decorative “features” like ribs or bumps, latex condoms are all pretty much the same.

Hint: unless your wang makes normal pants uncomfortably tight, choose regular sized condoms.

2nd hint: practice putting on a condom **before** you *need* to put on a condom.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s really not much of a difference between them imo. I don’t know if the ribbed actually make a difference for the girls but it doesn’t matter for me. I usually go with spermicidal condoms though just in case.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I used to think they were all more or less the same until I started buying my own and stopped using the ones they were giving away for free at college or the doctor’s office. I am still grateful for the free condoms, but in hindsight, they weren’t the nicest ones.

I would encourage you or anyone else using condoms to try different ones and see what you like. Be open minded and try the different sizes, thicknesses, and materials. For example, my favorite so far are the skyn elite, which is a non-latex. Neither me or my partner have a latex allergy, so it would have seemed unnecessary to use non-latex, but I just ended up liking them more.

I also second u/Trivial_specter ‘s advice, it’s a good explanation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you know which one to pick? Just buy 3-packs (and use them lol) till you find the one that is comfortable for you and your partner.