Why do construction workers get hernias seemingly more than strength athletes?


I don’t often hear of powerlifters or olympic weightlifters getting umbilical hernias, for instance. However, blue collar workers talk about it all the time; “don’t lift that without help, you could get a hernia!” Etc. What gives?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hernias are sort of caused by weak muscles not strong ones, the organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot in muscle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many muscle injuries are due to an imbalance in the muscles. For example, running gives you stronger quadriceps (front of thigh) muscles, so it’s easy to injure the hamstrings (back of thighs) because they aren’t strengthened but are subject to the greater forces of the stronger quads. Athletes know this and work the opposing muscles to strengthen them. Construction workers likely do not, and also lift with poor form.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a lot of differences and I’m going to make some generalizations here:

Professional weigh lifters are lifting in completely controlled motions, building strength over time in all areas, using perfect equipment like lifting shoes or ground mats, while likely maintaining a perfect diet, a good rest recovery and sleep schedule, maintaining flexibility, and likely not working physically stressful jobs outside of their training.

Blue collar workers are lifting in completely uncontrolled motions, usually one lift here one lift there building muscle only in some specific areas, not using ideal or even in good condition equipment, likely not maintaining a perfect diet, or rest recovery sleep schedule, not working on flexibility, on their feet 12 hours a day always doing something different.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Athletes generally spend years training to perfect their form, and do it mostly under controlled conditions and only at high intensity for specific durations. Professionals regularly take time off and get premium medical care to heal injuries and maintain their performance.

A laborer might show up to work hung over and skip stretching because they’re too tired to bother.