Why do cop shows and movies frequently show cops arguing about whose “collar” an arrest is? Is this a reference to real police work, or just make believe?


In movies and TV, the police are frequently shown fighting about whose “collar” a particular arrest is. Explain this to me. Why do cops care who gets credit for an arrest and how does that work? Is there an arrest leaderboard or something? Does it affect promotions?

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4 Answers

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There are jurisdiction (teritory)and levels (local, state, federal) levels of crime that each require the appropriate agency to intervene.

If they are arguing about jurisdiction, it’s mostly because if the cops from Conty A were to mess up in County B, it would still be blamed on County B or it could blow up an other investigation.

If you are talking about levels of government, the usual cliché is local cop is too smart to be local and has a closer rivalry with local but high level criminal. As it turns out, the higher level government already have eyes on the criminal and for some reason need a huge crime to take him down.

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