Why do crystals (like snowflakes) form geometric patterns?


Why do crystals (like snowflakes) form geometric patterns?

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2 Answers

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Molecules will make straight patterns. Some naturally occuring elements will also form straight lines, Pyrite(Fe2S) is one of those things, it makes perfect cubes.

The reason being is how molecules from patterns. They are all either positively or negatively charged. And like magnets they are drawn to one another but only in a certain way. As positive only attracts negative and vise versa. Water or H2O has 2 hydrogen atoms (positively charged) and one oxygen atom (negatively charged) that’s why they attract each other but also other water molecules. And when there is a lot of them they’ll form a roster and thus creating such patterns.

Now as this is ELI5 it’s very basic and why atoms are negative or positive isn’t explained. There is a lot more to it at times. Glass for instance doesn’t have a nice molecular structure.

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