Why do deer launch themselves at cars?


It seems super backwards that a deer would run away from the sound of a twig snapping but hurl itself in front of a large metal machine? I had just watched a video where it happened and it really does look like the deer purposely jumped into the vehicle as it was passing

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3 Answers

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I am reminded of a story a coworker told me. He grew up on a dairy farm. In the area where he lived were a lot of farms with a lot of cows. He observed, quite often, when a cow is standing on the side of a road, or ambling slowly toward the side of the road, contemplating crossing it, the cow somehow thinks that the road would be un-crossable if a car passes by. So the cow, seeing an approaching car, waits indecisively until the last second, then jumps into the road to cross it, and may get killed.

My coworker said he and everyone else in the area learned to slow down when passing cows because of their penchant for jumping in front of cars.

This is pure speculation on my part, but I propose that a similar situation may exist for deer. The deer is considering crossing the road but gets the thought in its head that it absolutely must cross before the car goes by.

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