Why do deer launch themselves at cars?


It seems super backwards that a deer would run away from the sound of a twig snapping but hurl itself in front of a large metal machine? I had just watched a video where it happened and it really does look like the deer purposely jumped into the vehicle as it was passing

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3 Answers

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They’re dazed and confused. Literally.

Deer eyes are *very* sensitive to light. Headlights are bright enough that for a deer, it’s similar to getting hit with a flashbang grenade. Some deer will freeze in place when that happens to them; others will try to ‘flee’ from the lights, but unfortunately for them, they’re not well-adapted to cars.

When deer flee, they take advantage of their agility by choosing a random direction and quickly bolting in that direction. This works relatively well against their normal predators, but not very well against cars, which move significantly faster than deer and are not even trying to hunt them. The ‘strategy’ of bounding in a random direction sometimes lands them directly in front of the car, where they are quickly struck and killed.

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