why do delivery services claim to be delivering your package and then claim you weren’t home to pick up?


I’ve experienced this in several different countries so it’s not just one or two services. We could be sitting near the front door eating and be able to look outside when the tracking will change, in real time, to say they failed to reach us. It’s clear as day no one even showed up. Why not just be honest and say “we can’t get to it today. Trying again tomorrow.”

They have to know that half the time the resident knows they didn’t even try? Shit happens. Sometimes there’s just too many packages and you can’t get to them all. No need to lie.

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18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We do need to lie because if we don’t scan every package we get reprimanded. And unfortunately when you scan the package there isn’t an option for “I had an unrealistic day with too many packages and want to have supper with my family for once.”

So you scan it “no one home”.

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