Audi E-tron seems to have more constant speed ~150 kW through the entire range 10% to 80%, whereas Tesla Model 3 has higher speed (close to 250 kW) between 10 and 20, and then gradually reduce to ~50 kW at 80% capacity. What determines this behaviour (I suppose from a electrochemical point of view)?
In: 1
There are lots of battery technologies, lots of battery manufacturers, different battery wiring, different charge controller electronics, different cooling/warming strategy/technology, etc.
Even within the exact same battery technology, there can be slightly different electrolites between different manufacturers.
Due to different wiring and cell types some batteries are actually 360V, some are 450V, this is among those who claim 400V, as obviously some manufacturers use 800V batteries.
Tesla for example is warming the batteries when going to a super charger. It will pull 7kw for a while which doesn’t even go to the battery, but it it used to bring the battery at the optimal temperature for fast charging.
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