Why do different weather services report such vastly different information on the same area.


are the stations that collect data proprietary? And do different people have different information? Or do they use different type of analysis to come up with a degree or two of difference/different ideas about precipitation.

Edited to add an example:

I use the Wewow app and it lets you choose from different weather services and shows forecasts for each of them. For 11 PM tonight here’s a sample is what’s forecasted (c = degrees celsius, pop= probability of precipitation).

World weather online 10c 75pop

AccuWeather 12c and 48pop

Aerisb13c and 0pop


Editing again to say I’m in Ontario, Canada

In: 3

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends heavily on what they consider the forecast area and forecast duration. One service’s definition of Ontario may be larger or smaller than another’s. I think this is the case for your example, as the temps aren’t drastically different but the precipitation chance is.

Precipitation chance is really the amount of a given area experiencing rain over a given interval.

A storm covering an entire area for an entire interval is 100% chance of rain. A small storm that only covers a tiny strip but moves across the entire area in the interval is also 100%. The same storm that only moves in halfway is a 50% chance.

One service may consider a 5 km^2 area over 1 hour having a 50% chance, while another may consider a 10 km^2 area over 30 minutes having a 30% chance even though they’re talking about the exact same storm centered on the exact same location.

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