– Why do doctors care so much about your BMI when it’s has been proven to be such a flawed metric for ones actual health?


– Why do doctors care so much about your BMI when it’s has been proven to be such a flawed metric for ones actual health?

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16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two main reasons –

1) A big part is being able to communicate to your patient and have them understand you. If a doctor took a complicated measurement and tried to tell you that your SJ2099109,.8 test shows 3 teraflaps over a jambo, and therefor you should diet, what the hell does that mean? BMI is at least well understood by everyone in terms *what it means* so it’s an easy way to communicate a medical opinion to a patient.

2) It’s quick, cheap to measure, requires no special equipment, and provides instant results. It’s also easily duplicated, you don’t really have to worry that the “test” was an error or just an “off day” in your measurements. It’s very consistent compared to something as easy as blood pressure or pulse which can change minute by minute or from technician to technician.

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