Why do domestic animals get excited to eat the same food over and over again?


Why do domestic animals get excited to eat the same food over and over again?

In: 39

34 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I really don’t understand the disdain people have for eating the same food. It’s food. As long as it tastes alright and won’t kill you, enjoy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My ex was cheap AF when it came to her poor dog. She bought a huge 10kg bag of dog food that was on sale and fed it to the poor mofo exclusively for a month. At first the dog was still excited and finished his food within a minute. But after two weeks, I could physically see his soul leaving the body when presented with the same crap yet again. That dog came to the wrong family, at least I don’t have to witness that any more.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I imagine it’s because they don’t get to eat whatever they want whenever they want. We decide what they eat and how much. They gotta live with that misery of hunger on a daily basis and when we do feed them it’s an exciting experience because they suddenly get something they find very satisfying.

In humans eating well is part of our mental health. I have made assumptions here but I imagine it’s probably the same with animals. Any food is exciting food when someone else controls how much and how frequently you eat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My cat thinks the kitchen is purely for feeding him and meows like mad when we are in there. But put the wrong food down and he walks off and sulks.