Why do emails include the previous email in your new email?


When you reply to an email, it will include the entire previous email thread in your reply to that email.

Why does this happen when most email clients are able to show email threads, making this seem kind of redundant.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The feature of email clients like Outlook to show threads is quite cumbersome to use. In my job, I get about 20-50 emails a day, some of which require immediate attention. So the standard view is “latest first”. If I want to see the thread of an email, I have to right-click it and select “show all in this conversation”, which hides all other emails and only shows those belonging to this “thread”. And even then I have to open each individual email in the chain to view its contents.

I used that feature maybe thrice in 15 years of work. I scroll down in newly arrived emails to see what was previously written about ten times a day, each day. That’s why it’s included by default.

Also, please don’t assume that just because you understand how a feature works, others will as well. As recently as 5 years ago, I saw two middle-aged women working in an engineering department printing out emails, so that they could have them in front of them to re-type their contents by hand into a web form, because both women had never heard about “copy paste”. When our intern showed them, their minds exploded.

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