Why do facelifts look so unnatural? What prevents plastic surgeons from making seniors look like they did when they were 30?


When a 70 year old gets a facelift and plastic surgery, it looks like a 70 year old who had a facelift. Why is it impossible to convincingly reverse the effects of aging by tightening skin and re-sculpting?

In: 4690

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Skin is not just skin. Underneath it are fat and connective tissue, whose properties deteriorate with age. Facelifts only fix the sagging part of older skin, not rejuvenate its properties underneath. I’d like to think of it this way. Youth is associated with fat. Hence the term “baby fats”. As we grow older these fat deposits thin out, their distribution differs, and at some point, old skin isn’t gonna look like younger people skin no matter how you stretch it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Physically actually do this experiment to visualize.

1. Take some play•doh and make it flat. For cheaper, mix flour and water to make dough… “play” doh

2. forget you put it on a flat surface for a whole day.

3. A day later go look at your play•doh. It’s cracked.

4. **Try to ‘fix’ or mold the cracked material.** If you add water it works, but you’ll definitely notice. The chemical structure changed during the aging/drying process.

This happens to your skin over 50+ years of wear and tear.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Give it time, facelifts today look AMAZING compared to 30 years ago, and they will only get better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same reason you can’t make a worn, stretched-out pair of jeans look new by taking in the seams until it’s back at the size it was made.

Aging wears down skin – older skin is thinner, less elastic and more translucent.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If someone got a good facelift you shouldn’t know they got a facelift at all. You’re only noticing the bad ones. There’s plenty of good facelifts

Anonymous 0 Comments

What about Salma Hayek looks like a senior with an unnatural face? She’s 55.

How about J-lo? Sophia Vergara?

The huge majority of people who get facelifts look a lot younger than their age. You just notice the bad ones.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A good facelift won’t make a 70 year old look 30–it will make that 70 year old look like they aged incredibly well