Why do farmers destroy their crops when weather conditions are bad? Why bother going through the trouble? Why not just let them grow and get at least some harvest?


Why do farmers destroy their crops when weather conditions are bad? Why bother going through the trouble? Why not just let them grow and get at least some harvest?

In: 8564

24 Answers

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Because sometimes it will cost more than what taking the harvest to market will bring.

For example let’s say a crop left neglected of any irrigation, weed control, pesticide, fertilizer etc will yield $70 per acre. But the costs already spent plus to harvest might be $100 and doing so might not always trigger the crop failure insurance.

Plowing the crop back into the field recycles the nutrients for next year.

In the case of things like livestock. Culling the animals means things like feed, water and medicines don’t need to be spent. Like on the us southwest a lot of beef cow ranchers are selling the breeding herds because the feed costs are too high and the pastures they normally turn into hay are too dry

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