Why do flies seem to disappear when we see them?


Why do flies seem to disappear when we see them?

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Your eyes aren’t developed to sense their motion and track their movement. Humans typically use long lines of the mass we are tracking or different colors or certain movements to “fill in” the perception of what we think we are seeing. So, sometimes when you are tracking something your eyes really aren’t able to track it that well BUT your brain will help fill in details where it thinks it should be and you can catch up to it. Unfortunately flies are so tiny, darkly colored and small enough to where they just don’t trigger enough cells to allow the brain to get an idea of how to “fill in” the fly’s flight path and so your brain may even consciously make you think you cannot see it when subconsciously you really are following it, but consciously their flight path size and color are just not what are eyes are made to track. Better to let the subconscious do its thing in the peripheral and just let your conscious focus on something else so you can ultimate think how to find it better while still subconsily tracking it if it nears your peripheral you will likely be consciously notified.