Why do giant animals like whales, giraffes, and elephants need so little sleep compared to small animals likes bats and koalas who need to sleep most of the time. Wouldn’t a larger body need more sleep to recover?


Why do giant animals like whales, giraffes, and elephants need so little sleep compared to small animals likes bats and koalas who need to sleep most of the time. Wouldn’t a larger body need more sleep to recover?

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There is no real size correlation. Lions sleep a lot, goats very little, ants sleep at most a minute per day.

How much sleep is necessary depends on activity, diet, a bunch of physiological processes and most importantly the enviroment! Many animals sleep to conserve energy when there isn’t a lot of food available anyways, while others are forced to migrate large distances to get enough food.

Elephants can’t afford to sleep a lot because they basically need to eat or travel 24/7 to get their needed calories, while Koalas have a diet that is hard to digest, so their only chance for survival is spending as little energy as possible.