In Attack On Titan some Titans move one foot in front of the other in a similar “time”, say 1-2 steps per second while walking, however since they are giant their speed is greater as it’s proportional to their size. Additionally, they are able to run (see video) which means they can be blisteringly quick. I think it’s wrong to say that a giant person views us as “ants” and they move super slow. Are they dumb? Is their brain any worse at processing visual information than us? If a giant creature or person can only move slowly, it must be because it’s so large that its’ muscles can’t even produce enough energy to move the creature as fast as a similar creature of normal size. But assuming the creature or person does have the energy, the muscle, and the visual processing just like a normal size variant, then you would expect it to move just like it does if it were smaller, like a person walking 1-2 steps per second, as would a giant person.
Why do giant things in movies move in slow motion?
In Attack On Titan some Titans move one foot in front of the other in a similar “time”, say 1-2 steps per second while walking, however since they are giant their speed is greater as it’s proportional to their size. Additionally, they are able to run (see video) which means they can be blisteringly quick. I think it’s wrong to say that a giant person views us as “ants” and they move super slow. Are they dumb? Is their brain any worse at processing visual information than us? If a giant creature or person can only move slowly, it must be because it’s so large that its’ muscles can’t even produce enough energy to move the creature as fast as a similar creature of normal size. But assuming the creature or person does have the energy, the muscle, and the visual processing just like a normal size variant, then you would expect it to move just like it does if it were smaller, like a person walking 1-2 steps per second, as would a giant person.
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