why do giants in shows and movies always look like they’re moving so slow?


why do giants in shows and movies always look like they’re moving so slow?

In: Physics

8 Answers

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Different reasons.

1) Your muscle move your leg at a certain speed when you walk, a giant have larger step to make, so even if their muscle would be proportional to us, and they could move their leg at the same speed as us, they would have to travel a longer distance with each steps. So each step take longer, but they don’t actually move at a lower speed, it just give that impression.

2) Squared law. If you double the size of a cube, you multiply by 4 the surface area, but multiply by 8 the volume. This mean that a giant twice the size of a human, roughly have 8 times more body volume, which mean 8 times the mass, but it only have 4 times the cross section of muscle. The bigger the animal, the less strenght proportional to it’s mass it will have. This is why large animal move slower, and small animal move faster than human. They have less muscle strenght by kg of mass.

3) The two first things is how it work in reality and your brain know that by experience. You probably see larger or smaller things everyday for your entire life, so your brain know that large things move slow and small things move fast. So when someone is doing a movie they use that to trick your brain. Film someone in a costume and slow down what you film. It will trick your brain into thinking that this is a giant person.

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