Why do gifs take up so much storage space?


Why do gifs take up so much storage space?

In: 20

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Animation isn’t a moving picture. It actually hundreds of pictures that are slightly different to simulate motion placed as a “Frame”.

When you hear the term FPS or Frames Per Seconds in animation thats how many frames are in ONE SECOND of a animation. Bambi was made at 24 Frames Per Second to make the movie. Bambi is one hour and ten minutes long. That is 1,440 individual pictures in one minute and its 86,400 pictures for the hour.

This is ALSO the case for live action gifs and live action movies. Instead of drawing, the recording device is taking pictures in rapid succession and stringing them together on a film or hardrive to simulate movement and thus Video.

The reason is simple to imagine. A Gif ain’t the size of one picture because its dozen or even thousand of pictures all being shown to you in a line… faster then your eye can track the frames (pictures) changing. (the sweet spot is like 16 FPS??? when the eye can’t register the individual pictures).

It literally an illusion. This illusion is the biological meta mechanic on how most modern entertainment is based upon. This includes Video Games as well! Isn’t it weird? Comics are just a REALLY SLOW form of animation!

“Everything? It all just pictures? Always has been.” *ACTION*

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