Why do glasses only improve our sight to around 20/20, instead of going to 20/10?


Why do glasses only improve our sight to around 20/20, instead of going to 20/10?

In: 7

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

20/20 because 20 is the max. If it was out of 10, max would be 10/10 because 10 is the best your eyes could get. Most people won’t get 20/20 vision with glasses anyway.

Edit: Guys it turns out I’m an idiot

Anonymous 0 Comments

20/20 because 20 is the max. If it was out of 10, max would be 10/10 because 10 is the best your eyes could get. Most people won’t get 20/20 vision with glasses anyway.

Edit: Guys it turns out I’m an idiot

Anonymous 0 Comments

The lens is only one part of your eye and that’s what glasses are correcting. If the other parts of your eye aren’t set up to see better than 20/20, changing the lens won’t fix that.

(Obviously things like binoculars exist, but you’re experiencing tradeoffs then for near vision.)

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can improve to 20/10 – this is called being “overcorrected”. The goal is 20/20 because seeing “normally” is when most people see the thing from 20 feet away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The lens is only one part of your eye and that’s what glasses are correcting. If the other parts of your eye aren’t set up to see better than 20/20, changing the lens won’t fix that.

(Obviously things like binoculars exist, but you’re experiencing tradeoffs then for near vision.)

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can improve to 20/10 – this is called being “overcorrected”. The goal is 20/20 because seeing “normally” is when most people see the thing from 20 feet away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My glasses are able to correct my vision to 20/15 so it is possible to get better than 20/20 through glasses alone. I asked my optometrist your question a while back and she said that my brain isn’t able to process a higher correction. I don’t know the specifics of what that meant or if she was trying to simplify a more complex answer.

My prescription can also be slightly better for seeing objects far away but I told my optometrist that it reduces my ability to see objects close up (like when I’m reading a book my eyes aren’t able to focus if I have it too close to my face), so i feel that part of the answer is balancing near-sightedness and far-sightedness.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My glasses are able to correct my vision to 20/15 so it is possible to get better than 20/20 through glasses alone. I asked my optometrist your question a while back and she said that my brain isn’t able to process a higher correction. I don’t know the specifics of what that meant or if she was trying to simplify a more complex answer.

My prescription can also be slightly better for seeing objects far away but I told my optometrist that it reduces my ability to see objects close up (like when I’m reading a book my eyes aren’t able to focus if I have it too close to my face), so i feel that part of the answer is balancing near-sightedness and far-sightedness.