Why do gunshots in the head kill so quickly?


Why do gunshots in the head kill so quickly?

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5 Answers

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They dont always kill but they produce lots of damage and since several parts of the brain control things like breathing and heart beating there are vital areas that can result in immediate death if hit.

In addition to the damage caused in the path of the bullet, the bullet will send out shock waves, like violently jiggling jello, and that disrupts all sorts of nerve connections, shearing the neurons so they separate, increasing the odds of a vital part being damaged.

Finally, if that isnt enough, it turns out that blood and cell innards are poisonous to brain cells. the first bullet pathway causes blood loss in the brain and the blood kills cells. The bullet also kills cells. When cells die they rip open and lose their innards.

The loose cell innards and blood kill the cells around them and now those cells rip open and spill their innards which triggers more cells to die and so on. This is called a cascade. and it doesnt stop until it runs into bone or pre-existing scar tissue. Basically, damage the brain cells and the brain self-destructs.

Hemorrhagic strokes (caused by a bleed, not a blockage) are very likely to kill the person because of the cascade.

Wear a helmet doing any vigorous physical activvity or riding a motorcycle.

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