why do hot showers and baths feel so good?


why do hot showers and baths feel so good?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was a water bug even as a little kid. My mom said the bath tub was the best baby sitter, I would play forever if she let me. The water makes my muscles feel relaxed, I love it so much.

I have a friend though who simply dislikes being wet for whatever reason. She doesn’t like to go swimming and she uses dry shampoo a lot.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Id imagine it would have to do with heat causing your muscles to loosen and your arteries to dilate allowing better circulation. Not to mention the buoyancy (in a bath) relieving the joints and allowing you to self-deprive you of your senses for a bit and take a break. Unwinding from relative overstimulation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it´s something we learn to enjoy. A conditioning. Kids often resist baths and showers because they experience it as chaotic or uncomfortable, so I guess the joy of freshness is something that evolves when we get self aware enough to be bothered by a feeling of uncleanliness. It´s probably related to social codes too. We feel better when we are good smelling and groomed among others.