Why do humans have such giant willies when the rest of the primates have tiny willies? #explaintomelikeI’mfive #eli5


Why do humans have such giant willies when the rest of the primates have tiny willies? #explaintomelikeI’mfive #eli5

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One hypothesis is the female vagina has to be larger to birth the larger heads of human babies (thus the penis has to be larger to be stimulated to ejaculation by the larger vagina)

Another one is the promiscuity theory. In this one, it is thought that females are less selective in the lower rungs of primate groups and many males get to mate w many females. Humans tend to be more selective and that through most of pre civilization humanity females were much more selective.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was also taught something called the “Spatula Hypothesis” which basically says that sometimes *disadvantageous* traits can be selected for evolutionarily.

The idea being have an exposed penis/testicles are obviously a problem, they are vulnerable to damage and attack removing you from the gene pool. Overcoming this disadvantage requires a better adapted individual. Smarter, stronger, all around better self preservation to overcome the weakness and then some. So those individuals who overcame the handicapped of having a “massive wangdoober” (medically speaking) reproduced and those lazy, good for nothing “dinky wangdoober” having individuals didn’t pass on their genes.

A similar argument could be made for animals with flamboyant coloration or other excessive “not ideal” traits.