Why do humans laugh? How does our brain determine what’s funny and what’s not?


Why do humans laugh? How does our brain determine what’s funny and what’s not?

In: 860

30 Answers

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The strongest theory I’ve heard is that it’s for communication. It’s the built in “all clear” or “false alarm” signal. Back in hunter gatherer days when humans slept outside and whatever, maybe your group hears a rustle in the bush right outside camp. What caused that rustle? Was it a lion? Are you about to have a fight for your life? The group gets tense as you grab your spear and inch towards the bush. You’re hands are shaking as you prepare to fight the lion. The kids cling tightly to their mothers, you look back and their eyes are like saucers.

You steal your courage and look behind the bush… And it’s a pair of squirrels fucking. There’s not lion. There’s no threat. Everyone was so worried for no reason. How do you communicate that to your group? You laugh. Your laugh let’s everyone know they were worried for nothing.

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