Why do humans laugh? How does our brain determine what’s funny and what’s not?


Why do humans laugh? How does our brain determine what’s funny and what’s not?

In: 860

30 Answers

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It certainly feels like a learned behavior to me. I used to never have a laugh, to the point that people would get uncomfortable, because I just didn’t have a natural laugh response to funny things like most people seem to have. They used to tease me about it because I would do different laughs, trying to find one that sounded natural.

Now I laugh all the time, but it’s more of an instinct I’ve developed so that people don’t get uncomfortable around me; it’s so engrained in me now that I just do it without effort, so it’s almost to the point that I feel like I have a laugh now, but the feeling just isn’t there behind it. I can remember two times in my life that I’ve actually laughed, and when I think about those times it makes me laugh again, for real, and it’s such a nice feeling that I wish I could feel it all the time like other people.

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