Why do humans laugh? How does our brain determine what’s funny and what’s not?


Why do humans laugh? How does our brain determine what’s funny and what’s not?

In: 860

30 Answers

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Evolutionary Predationist here: It’s little-known, but “humor” is actually a stress response. Specifically, it’s a response to situations which cannot be easily classified among “known stressors”, such as predators, environmental hazards, or the like.

When presented with an unfamiliar or unexpected condition, the mind doesn’t immediately “know” how to react. This is a form of stress, but as the stressor is unexpected, the mind hasn’t developed a specific, situation-appropriate response.

Socially-based creatures have actually evolved a ‘catch-all’ response to such unexpected stressors. This response typically manifests as a distinct, involuntary vocalization which alerts all nearby members of the ‘pack’ to the occurrence. Greater numbers allow the group to analyze the event in greater safety. Among humans, this vocalization is well known as laughter.

Comedy is essentially the art of manipulating this stress response in such a way as to be considered pleasurable. Furthermore, I’m talking completely out of my ass. I’m a musician. There’s no such thing as an “Evolutionary Predationist”.

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