Why do humans like music?


I think it’s safe to say that all humans who can hear, enjoys music. Not everybody likes the same genre, but what is it about music in general that makes humans so drawn to it?

In: 86

17 Answers

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The brain finds pleasure in structures, patterns, rhythm, predictability and the sound frequencies that operate around the speech spectrum. As for more complex forms of music, there is also a great degree of intellectual stimulation (not dissimilar to completing a puzzle, for example). We also enjoy music as a form of communication, as musical forms and ideas have developed intertextual meanings over time, which enhance and help support the message in a deeper way than say, just reading the words to a song (rhyming is a form of pattern making in language). The triad – a most basic, common form of chord – includes elements of the harmonic series which appear in spontaneously in nature.

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