Why do internet connections get slower as more people use them?


And additionally, how does higher quality internet change that?

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13 Answers

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Think of the internet like two guys talking in a room. Once more people start talking it becomes harder to hear the other person. You might miss a word or two, but you can get the gist of his sentence. You may have to say “can you repeat that?”. (Data transmission, packets, error checking)

If there can only be so many people in a room, at some point it fills up and you may be asked to go to a different room, or told to keep your volume down to avoid disturbing more important people. (Bandwidth, QoS,)

If you want to talk to Steve, but 10 other people are talking to him, he may not hear you right away, or might get his conversations jumbled up a bit. (Bottlenecks)

Higher priority internet means better soundproofing in the rooms, and you’re more likely to get a good spot to talk to others. (Higher bandwidth, better quality switches, higher traffic prioritization, etc.)

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