Why do internet connections get slower as more people use them?


And additionally, how does higher quality internet change that?

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13 Answers

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It’s not a perfect metaphor but you can think of the quality of internet like the size of a road your house might be on. A narrow road will only allow a small number of cars to flow while a wider one will allow for many more. This is one element of the quality of a home internet connection, “bandwidth”.

There is also the matter of latency. Latency refers to how long a message sent takes. In the road metaphor this would be how long the road is. You could have a long road whether it is narrow or wide.

The internet uses packets which are a lot like a car with passengers or cargo. Data is encoded into packets and then sent off to the destination.

The latency of a connection doesn’t really change as long as you can send packets, as long as you can send them. Sort of like trying to turn into a busy road if there are no gaps you’ll need to wait and that can make things slower.

Eventually if you try to put so much traffic on any internet connection most users won’t be able to send packets out.

How many users an internet connection can support depends on what each user wants to do. It’s far more “cars on he road” when watching YouTube and far far fewer for, say, reddit.

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