why do kids never get tired of running around, jumping etc and having fun whereas us adults would get exhausted pretty quickly? Is it because of the mindset only?


why do kids never get tired of running around, jumping etc and having fun whereas us adults would get exhausted pretty quickly? Is it because of the mindset only?

In: 78

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most healthy kids eat a lot, run about a lot, don’t have any responsibility or any knee pain. Why wouldn’t they dash about like a blue arsed fly? There’s nothing better to do than get a runner’s high or spin around until you feel weird.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most healthy kids eat a lot, run about a lot, don’t have any responsibility or any knee pain. Why wouldn’t they dash about like a blue arsed fly? There’s nothing better to do than get a runner’s high or spin around until you feel weird.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not just mindset, though that probably helps.

1. Kids are fit, they run around playing all day, that keeps their base level of fitness much higher than an adult office worker.

2. The square-cube law works in their favour. Basically as you double in height, your weight increases by a factor of 8, but your muscle cross section only increases by a factor of 4. This halves your power to weight ratio, which is rough.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not just mindset, though that probably helps.

1. Kids are fit, they run around playing all day, that keeps their base level of fitness much higher than an adult office worker.

2. The square-cube law works in their favour. Basically as you double in height, your weight increases by a factor of 8, but your muscle cross section only increases by a factor of 4. This halves your power to weight ratio, which is rough.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just a mindset, tell an adult to run a mile and most can do It easily in under 10 minutes, tell a kid to run a mile and they’ll start crying 300 yards in

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just a mindset, tell an adult to run a mile and most can do It easily in under 10 minutes, tell a kid to run a mile and they’ll start crying 300 yards in

Anonymous 0 Comments

Children are like pet dogs. They have energy and play/run around and then they nap. They wake up from the nap and have more energy to run around again.

Adults have less time to nap which is why our energy management throughout the day fluctuates.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Children are like pet dogs. They have energy and play/run around and then they nap. They wake up from the nap and have more energy to run around again.

Adults have less time to nap which is why our energy management throughout the day fluctuates.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve clearly not dealt with kids much. They get tired incredibly easily. Kids are terrible at throttling their energy. They will burn themselves out in a few minutes and then completely crash. Kids tire FAR more quickly than adults.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve clearly not dealt with kids much. They get tired incredibly easily. Kids are terrible at throttling their energy. They will burn themselves out in a few minutes and then completely crash. Kids tire FAR more quickly than adults.